Ghost Recon Breakpoint - New Gameplay Video Shows Terminators vs. Ghosts - recon - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and culture

Find out how to reduce T-800 in the next week.

What happens if an eliteentrupp of Special Ops soldiers opposes the unstoppable T-800 terminator? Especially when the T-800 is produced in series and used in large quantities? Ghost recon breakpoint's NEW Terminator Event tries to answer this question - it is now live for all players.

To show how it continues, Ubisoft has published Gameplay material that shows parts of the first and second main missions (the latter will go live on 1 February). Players meet with Rasa Aldwin, who seems to come from the future, and meet a T-800 terminator before escaping. After receiving a weapon with which the T-800 can be switched off, players are released to a new daily mission.

The second part of the event is probably more interesting. The Ghosts go into a SkelTech factory in which T-800 are produced with a aesthetics and systems that pay homage to the films. Of course, you have to find a way to turn everything off.

New Terminator Items, weapons, cosmetics, vehicles and more were added to the game, along with a new patch that updates the KI behavior. It's a good time to jump back in Ghost recon breakpoint, despite the difficult start of the game. In the meantime, however, they stay up to date.

Tags: Ghost Recon Breakpoint, PC, PS4, Ubisoft, Xbox One, Google Stadia


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