Image & Form (SteamWorld) unveils a new band

Announced last summer, The Gunk, developed by Image & Form to whom we owe the Steamworld series, had been very discreet since. The studio had only briefly mentioned the promises of his title and that's a good surprise to see him again in motion for the second time tonight.

If the announcement of the game in July of last year was accompanied by a first video, the latter finally unveiled only a few things from The Gunk . The new trailer revealed by Image & Form has the merit of giving us a better overview of the great environments in which the title promises to make us travel. The development team employs the Unreal Engine 4 and welcomes this choice in an article published on the official Xbox website. The studio declares and this tool allowed them to cross the 3D cap with a lot of flexibility, The Gunk being the first realization of the developer to enter this third dimension.

The Gunk will offer us to embody Rani, one of the two members of a panel of spatial carriers that makes the happy discovery of the Gunk, a substance with the amazing properties that could bring them a nice spacle. Problem: This strange matter seems to corrupt the environments in which it spreads and the decision to exploit it or not created tensions between the two team members. It's pretty much everything you know about the scenario of The Gunk for the moment, but the trailer broadcast today gives to see some game sequences during which Rani uses its Force glove capable of sucking the gun and restore all the splendor of old corrupted areas. Did the duet torn when he faced this dilemma? We will discover it soon. Finally, hopefully, because, for the time being, no date has been announced. Image & Form has stated that its title would be available in Smart Delivery and will target the 60 frames per second in 4K resolution on Xbox Series X | S and PC, while the Xbox One version should be able to count on a frequency of 30 images per second.

Video Steamworld series

The Gunk - Gameplay Trailer


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