The Big Con: Criminal retro

On August 31, 2021, the Canadian Indie-Studio Mighy Yell and Publisher Skybound Games have released the Comic Adventure The Big Con (from 9.99 €) for PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X. Via Steam, Epic Games Store and Microsoft Store costs the download of the coming-of-aging adventure via a youthful trick betrayer in the 1990s each 12.49 euros. In the game description it says: _ slip into the role of Ali, a curious, sarcastic high school student whispering her band camp and instead makes a road trip across the country. Not for fun, because Ali has an enormous mission: She has to save the video library of her family in front of the nasty loan sharks threatening their existence.

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Throwing alien, tool theft and zocoke people off - and all this in the aberrated America of the 1990s. Of course, your mother may not know anything about it. Decide for himself who deserves it, and who could use your help. Welcome to the land of unlimited possibilities! Get the people in your way! Dress Die, Schleiche around, Belausche foreign conversations and learn how to approach your sacrifice best. Maybe you can earn money with pickaxes. Or you take more elaborate offenses, where you will break somewhere or smash at someone. Decide for yourself, as you best tricky people and escape the video library of your mother.

An adventure is probably the best way to self-determine. Luckily you have an experienced rogue at your side, who teaches you how to play your charm. But as a criminal you have nothing to laugh! Unless, of course, you attach the salmon track and transform the game into a forbidden funny sitcom. Person the people to Deals and flatter them with them. And do not forget to call your mother from time to time. Although you strife you sometimes (well, mostly) with her, but as a teenager that's your job, right?

No matter if you spent your youth in the 90s or not - this game awakens nostalgia! Maybe that gives you the impetus to review your own embarrassing school time or finally pull the whole classic retro teen films if you missed the 90s yourself. Lumberjack shirts, coin telephones, VHS cassettes and shopping centers ... The Big Con calls all the trends of the 90s back in memory. Yes, even those who really wanted to forget forever. _

Last updated video: Launch trailer


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