WoW: Patch 9.2 - Twinks dürfen Intro

Wow, Patch 9.2 becomes a lot-twinker to clearly facilitate life in Zeroth. Miscellaneous adjustments allow, among other things, skipping cautious series — even those content that resume with the update. Because who has already played through the introductory quests of Patch 9.2 on their own account with minimum, can skip these tasks with all other heroes on request.

Saves you three chapters of the patch campaign

As the editorial staff of WOW (Buy Now €14.99) Head has found out, namely, you can skip the first three chapters of the patch campaign in patch 9.2 the end of eternity. The only requirement for this is that you have ever completed these three introducing chapters of the campaign with any character of your account. You then have the opportunity to talk to Marinara in Tribes and to skip the intro. For this, you only have to accept the first quest Call of the Prius so that the corresponding dialog option is available at Marinara.

If you decide to skip the first three chapters of the Campaign of Patch 9.2, then the following quests concerns:

Chapter I: Into the Unknown Call of the Prius A hasty voyage Strangers in A Strange country A lot to pack Give me a hand For Research Purposes A Mutual Exchange

Patch 9.2 PTR Is Finally Here With Community Feedback And Tier Set Updates! - WoW: Shadowlands 9.1.5

The Road to Haven Forging Connections Destroying the destructor Defending Haven This Old Way stone The Forces Gather CHAPTER II: WE BATTLE ONWARD Knowing is Half The Battle Scour the sands Harmony and Discord Battle for the Forge Together, we ride In Plain Sight Reinforcements May Be Necessary This is your fault, fix it Nothing is true A Break in Communication Double-gang duel Fighting for the Forge Seeking Haven Chapter III: Forming on Understanding Danger Near and Far A mysterious voice Core of the Matter Seeking the unknown Finding Firm Security Measures Unseen agents Now you may speak Surveying Cypher Capers of the First Ones The Way Forward

We want to know from you now: What do you think about the ability to skip the intro of patch 9.2 on request? Will you use the option? Write us your opinion in the comments!

Source: Towhead

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