Warzone 2 Battle Pass: Understand how the system works and how it differs from the first

The 1st Season of Modern Warfare 2 arrives with War zone 2 and a battle pass that differs from everyone from the Call of Duty franchise. For those who have already participated in the last seasons of Fortnite, you will not be lost, but if that is not the case, we at MGG azil have made a guide to better understand this new system.

The Battle Pass of Season 1 explained

When you access the battle menu in Modern Warfare 2 or War zone 2, instead of seeing the long-term horizontal layered content track to unlock, you are received with a map composed of different numbered sections. The Natalia Pass of Season 1 is divided into 21 different battle sectors from A0 (Bonus Battle Sector) until A20.


Combat sectors A1 to A20 are all connected to each other. For example, to reach the Vitus XMR accuracy rifle, you will have to invest battle pass points in the A1, A2, A4 and A7 sectors. Depending on the path you follow, you can unlock the rewards of your choice. However, no rewards are omitted, no matter which way you are traveled, you can collect them all.

After unlocking all rewards in every A0 to A20 battle sectors, wait for a victory sector to unlock and gain valuable bonus rewards because of the total achievement.

is the battle pass shared between War zone 2 and Modern Warfare 2?

Yup. Whether you are a multiplayer or Battle Royale player, you can progress together through this battle pass. The rewards are the same and will be available in both games

does the battle pass come with free rewards?

It is clear. Of the 100 battle pass collectibles, free-to-play players will still be able to claim 20 rewards, including the two new weapons, i.e. Based submachine gun and Rifle Sniper Vitus XMR.

How do I earn points from the battle pass?

It is very simple, the points come to replace the battle pass levels. 5 points are granted by level with a total of 100 points to collect.

If you have not spent these points, they will be automatically spent at the end of the season if you do not designate any sector item you want to unlock. If you have more battle pass level tokens than remaining rewards on the battle pass, any excess will be transferred to next season.

A free battle pass after purchase

Also note that the sectors of this pass contain 1,400 Call of Duty® (CP) points in total. Win 400 CP free on the battle pass system, plus 1000 if you unlock the entire pass and the bonus industry, which allows you to recover the CP spent to buy another if you unlock all CP in each sector.


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