Remove from the Pandemic stores, the digital version of the board game in which we face a pandemic

If you do not know model , we talk about one of the editorial firms of the best-known board games sector worldwide. They have marks like Satan or 7 Wonders, and only one month ago we were echoing the acquisition by Embrace Group. But not everything are great news for them, since another of his games is close to disappearing.

We refer to pandemic , the cooperative board game in which players have to face different diseases with the aim of saving the world. This has a digital version that had been published in both mobile and PC devices and consoles, but it has already been withdrawal from Steam, the App Store and Google Play , without any explanation about it.


The study says that it can not unveil the reasons in PC Gamer collect an email in which the Model support service responds to a player who contacts them about this situation, which has left us with confirmation that will also disappear from Xbox and Switch . From the Microsoft store will withdraw on January 31, and from the Shop at the end of July. We have worked for 4 years in Pandemic and withdrawing it from stores, it has not been an easy choice, reads the message. This decision was made very much of our regret for reasons that we can not reveal .

Therefore, it is not clear if one day we will know the reasons that have caused the withdrawal of the game, but the truth is that it will not be available in the digital stores of the different platforms, although the owners will be able to continue unloading it . Only you can be accessed through Board Game Arena, although there are other video games as such related to the pandemic we are experiencing. COVID-19 Simulator was recently surprised, considering until checking the vaccination rates or the use of masks.


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