The 10 best high anime characters, classified

The high anime characters are generally not too popular when it comes to most series, but there are some cases in which the highest characters have had a significant impact and have played an important role as the main or secondary character.


This is most commonly seen in popular sports anime programs, such as haiku! Or Kursk without basket. In this anime, the highest characters are seen throughout history and use their high advantage along with their sports skills.

However, some high key characters are memorable and well received by fans in several anime titles in different genres. These characters can use their height to improve special powers, skills or skills they possess or, sometimes, height can simply be a character's design. In any case, these characters have had a strong impact on their roles, which has led them to stand out from others as the 10 best high anime characters .

10. REM (Death Note)

Image source: asylum

Rem is a Kirigami that accompanies Mass dawns throughout the history of Death Note. Rem is exceptionally high, since Yuk is considered high to be a Kirigami, she measures 7’5″, and is even higher, measures 8’0″. Just as Yuk is linked to Light through the Death Note of her, REM is linked to Mass through Death Note that she gives her.

Unlike Yuk, who is fascinated with humans, but he has a real concern for Light beyond his fascination for the experiment, Rem seems to despise humans, but has developed a genuine concern for Mass. Rem actively works with Mass in Light's great plan, even though he does not like the latter, and was willing to die to guarantee the security of Mass, as seen in his promise to break Kirigami's rules and kill Light if he hurt Mass. Many fans have a strong attachment for REM, since, despite her role as Kirigami, she still seemed to be a good person in the background.

9. Monte Lady (My Hero Academia)

Image Source: Studio Bones

You Takata, also known as Mt. Lady, is a very dear character in My Hero Academia. She is known for her role as a professional heroine classified in 23rd position and for the use of her peculiarity, identification. As the name of her peculiarity suggests, the peculiarity of Mt. Lady allows him to giant and grow to the incredible height of 67’7″.

Mt. Lady takes the most of this height, and is key to her role as a professional hero, which allows her to use her size to gain advantage over her opponents. She is also extremely cautious with the city that protects and is careful not to cause damage and destruction with her size. Mt. Lady also has a confident and somewhat vain personality, which highlights among other characters in the role of Pro Hero. In spite of this, she is a brave and loyal person who is dedicated to protecting society, winning the admiration of many my Hero Academy fans.

8. Alphonse Eric (Full metal Alchemist: Brotherhood)

Image Source: Studio Bones

Alphonse Eric is one of the main characters of full metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, known as the younger brother of the main protagonist, Edward Eric. During an attempted resurrection of Alphonse's dead mother and Edward using alchemy, Alphonse suffered the unfortunate destiny of losing his physical body. Fortunately, Edward was able to sacrifice one of his arms to join Alphonse's soul to armor. This created Alphonse's metal shape, with an impressive height of 7’3″.

Although Alphonse's metal shape gives him a big and somewhat intimidating appearance, his personality remains friendly and compassionate with others. Alphonse is often the one who puts Edward online again and says common sense before he makes irrational decisions or actions. He sometimes uses his physical size to intervene in difficult situations without inflicting more damage to the parties involved. This made it known as a gentle giant throughout history, and fans could not avoid worshiping him for that reason.

7. Everything could (my hero academy)

Image Source: Studio Bones

Shinobi Magi, better known as All Might, is one of the main and loci characters of the Hero Academia program. With a height of 7’3″, All Might play the important role of the number one professional hero and idol of the Izuku Midoriyama «DEU» series. It is easy to understand why he has so much influence on the society of the world of MA, with his character of brave and brave hero, with a brilliant smile even in the most difficult situations.

The height and physical appearance of All Might play an important factor in maintaining their role as the symbol of peace, with everyone admiring the number one hero as the always smiling, high and muscular man that will protect them from danger with ease. Although All Might struggle with an injury and the decline of his peculiarity, One for All, never gives up with Midoriyama or with UA High students. All Might take the time to truly meet each student with whom he works, allowing them to be the best possible future generation of Pro Heroes and continue with his legacy. Even if the noisy and too cheerful nature of him is not to his liking, it is almost impossible It matters. The cost.

6. At sushi Murasakibara (Kursk without a basket)

Image source: IG production

At sushi Murasakibara is one of the main and rivals of the Kursk No Basket basketball anime. Murasakibara is an established former member of the ‘Miracles Generation’ of the famous Take Junior High basketball team. With an impressive height of 6’10, Murasakibara is now the star player of Yo sen High, and is known for his powerful movements under the basket, such as his spoiled blockages and explosive overturned.

Murasakibara has an interesting arc in which his height plays a vital role. Starting as an arrogant rival of Kursk, Murasakibara has lost its offensive power and its enjoyment for the game. This is due to the boredom of containing and not wanting to bother to do everything possible, for the concern of hurting someone with his size. With a spark on by his game against Kursk and Saran High, Murasakibara learns to find his love for the game again. From this moment, he is a much more passionate teammate, recovering competitive intensity in their games and attracting viewers as a much more pleasant character.

5. LEV Haifa (Haiku !!)

Image source: IG production

LEV Haifa is a recurring secondary character of the immensely popular volleyball anime, haiku! With a height of 6’5″, LEV is the highest player and the self-proclaimed ace by Nikola High, who uses his height in his position as a central blocker. Nikola is the rival team of the main high school and the focus of the series, Karakul High. This means that LEV is frequently seen throughout the anime and is given time to progress both in his skills on the court and in his characteristics and features.

LEV is high and confident, but his great size and his look focused on him often make others think that he is much more intimidating than he really is. While there may be times when LEV is wrong or inconsiderate with respect to the heights of the lowest players, LEV is playful and cheerful, in addition to enthusiastic and competitive when he plays volleyball. Fans can't help wanting LEV to achieve his goals, and there is something in him that keeps you encouraging him, whatever happens.

4. Kerosene (murder classroom)

Image Source: Perch

Kerosene is the main iconic antagonist of Assassination Classroom, which appears as a supernatural creature similar to a yellow octopus and measures approximately 9’8″. Kerosene is a fascinating character, and although he is ultimately an antagonist, there are many moments throughout the anime that spectators find easy to forget, since the affectionate and considered Kerosene side is often shown.

Kerosene is ready to destroy the world if no one manages to kill him before the desired date. Established to fulfill a promise that he did once before destroying the Earth, he offers the director of a school the strange treatment of being assigned to its class E, an isolated classroom outside the campus full of the worst students of the school, school students, to teach them in the art of murder. While educating students about the best way to kill him, Kerosene also teaches regular issues and provides many important life lessons, as well as fun impressions of pop culture. He shows a genuine interest in his students and has a significant impact on their lives, changing them for better. It cannot be denied at all that Kerosene is incredibly important and very dear to all, as the two characters of the program and the fanatics of assassination classroom see!

3. Yuk (Death Note)

Image source: asylum

Yuk is a main character in the iconic Anime Death Note, known for his role as the Kirigami linked to Light Salami, also known as Kira. Bored with his role as Kirigami, Yuk drops the Death Note in the human world and ends up to Light. From here, Yuk decides to participate in an experiment to see how much Light could achieve with the property of Death Note. The height of Yuk often makes him hunt around Light, since even for a Kirigami, he is considered high with 7’5″.

Although Yuk is responsible for starting Light's ideals and Kira's personality, he simply observes Light and finds him fascinating: it is Light's own actions that make him an antagonist, not Yuk. Seeing Yuk taking a back seat and spending his time in the human world obsessed with apples is entertaining to see, and his apathy and curiosity for humans causes fans to want it very much.

two. Ban (the seven capital sins)

Image Source: Studio Bones

Ban is a main character in The Seven Deadly Sins, known for his title as Fox without of Greed. With a height of 6’8″, Ban is selfish and, for obvious reasons, a greedy person. However, it is this hint of mischievous energy that instantly caused fans to fall in love with his character.

Despite his greed, Ban also has qualities that make him a good person. There are times when he can act rather affectionate with others and act heroically to help the people he loves. Ban also comes from a place of struggle, with a tragic background history with which fans connected and used to develop a deeper appreciation of the character and peculiarities of it. It is the resilience and the heart of Ban that makes him such a great impact with his role in the program, joining the other characters and amending his past.

1. Bartholdi Hoover (attack on the Titans)

Image Source: Wit Studio

Bartholdi Hoover is a main and antagonist character in Attack on Titan. Bartholdi is an incredibly fascinating character that is friends with the main trio Even, Armin and Midas during his time together in the 104th body of cadets. Bartholdi spent time creating a link with Even and his friends, and graduated with them in the Scouts, where they would continue to fight together against the Titans. Bert hold...


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